The LAR (Loan/Application Register) Formatting Tool is a free spreadsheet that is available for bankers to download here. It is designed to assist banks and credit unions in formatting loan application data in the appropriate manner to support ongoing compliance with Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) requirements.
Using the LAR Formatting Tool
The LAR Formatting Tool provides a standard template for submission of a bank or credit union’s HMDA data, such as:
- Application date
- Loan type
- Loan purpose
- Loan amount
- Action taken (and date)
- Address
- Ethnicity of applicant
- Race of applicant
- Income
- Reason for denial
The spreadsheet also includes a tab containing a “quick start guide.” The quick start guide offers seven steps for using the LAR Formatting Tool. In this tab, bankers can also access quick links to resources provided by FFIEC, HUD, and other organizations.
Streamlining Data Management
Loan application workflows in AccuAccount can make LAR reporting faster and easier. For example, users can use flex fields within the software to collect necessary information, visualize it with dynamic reporting in AccuAccount, and then export the data to populate the LAR spreadsheet.
Loan Management Resources
For more information about banking and loan management, be sure to check out our extensive resource library with free spreadsheets, whitepapers, videos and eBooks.
Browse our banking definitions page for more terminology.