All of Your Documents from All of Your Customers, Members & Accounts
Manage customer, member, loan, deposit, trust, and back-office documents in an intuitive, core-integrated document imaging system that’s built for banks and credit unions.

View and Share Documents in a Variety of Ways
Enable users to view documents in ways that streamline their jobs. "Document view" provides lenders with a visual way to explore and search customer and member documents. "Teller view" gives tellers and front-line staff the quick answers they need to support their account holders. "Customer view" provides a 360-degree perspective for back-office and administrative staff.

Scan and Index a Massive Stack of Paper in Minutes, Not Hours
Accelerate customer, member, and account onboarding with barcodes and batch scanning. Barcoded documents simplify the preparation of loan files and speed up scanning. Use accuimg to efficiently manage batch-scanned documents, attorney-prepared loan files, financial statements, applications, and much more. Spend fewer resources and less time scanning documents.

Drag and Drop PDFs, Images, and Email Attachments
Simplify the management of trailing documents, such as quarterly and annual financial statements from account holders, tax returns, flood zone determinations, deeds of trust, UCCs, and insurance. Exception reports help you identify trailing documents that are missing. Drag and drop electronic files into an intuitive user interface.

eSign, LOS, and Other Tools
Automatically pull in documents directly from your LOS (loan origination system) or eSign products through a nightly process. Easily drag and drop documents from your portal to AccuAccount. Enable an easier way to collect documents from account holders. Reduce paper at every step of the process and increase customer and member satisfaction.

Streamline Document Management with Integration to 30+ Core Systems
Eliminate manual data entry by integrating AccuAccount to your core banking system. As new customers, members and accounts are booked to the core, AccuAccount automatically creates placeholder records. Know exactly where each document should go without relying on manual ticklers, spreadsheets, and checklists. Gain a structured approach to document management.

Integrate Imaging and Tracking for Greater Efficiency
Built-in document tracking maximizes the impact of your imaging workflow. Exceptions automatically clear as new documents are scanned or uploaded into AccuAccount. Trigger new exceptions automatically based on the customer, member, or account type. Data-driven exception reports and email alerts keep everyone informed. Build reports by officer, account type, and other criteria with Dynamic Reporting in AccuAccount.
Additional Imaging Resources
Take the Next Step
From quality control to participations to audit and exam prep, we've only scratched the surface of what AccuAccount can do for your financial institution. Watch a pre-recorded webinar, download a whitepaper, or check out our FAQs to learn more about our software.
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Watch a 30-minute pre-recorded demo about AccuAccount’s imaging solutions.
No Registration Required: Core vs. AccuAccount
No Registration Required: Integrations Overview
No Registration Required: You're a Loan Admin...
No Registration Required: CTS Testimonial
Imaging FAQs
Watch an on-demand demo of AccuAccount. Learn how our software integrates to 30+ core systems and loan origination systems, streamlines imaging, and automates exception tracking and audit preparation for 15,000+ bankers.
Free Printable PDFs
Document Imaging Reports

Study of 103 Bankers
Learn how 103 other bankers approach document imaging. Imaging insights from real bankers.

Six Case Studies
Download a free case study eBook to learn why six community banks opted for AccuAccount instead of core-provided modules.