
Bank Document Management System Administrator: Recurring Tasks

An attendee at last year’s Accu-Summit posed an excellent question: What should system administrators monitor on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis? Having given this question some additional thought, I’ve created the following list of recommended tasks. In a perfect world, many of these responsibilities would be performed daily; however, I realize that may not be possible for every financial institution.

What a Bank Document Management System Administrator Should Check For

So, what should you be checking for on a regular basis as your bank’s document management administrator? Here are a few suggestions.

Log Errors

If you’re using a third-party imaging system, data must regularly synchronize between your core and your imaging system. Many banks configure the synchronization to occur during off hours, typically on a nightly basis while the bank is closed. Administrators should start their workday by checking for any processes that didn’t run the night before. Technology can stop working for many different reasons. Checking for log errors provides your team with peace of mind that everything still works as intended. It also ensures that users have access to accurate and reliable information for the busy day ahead.

Duplicate Customer Records

It’s also wise to monitor for newly created records that overlap with existing records. Duplicates cause internal confusion and can lead to an undesirable experience for your customers. A reliable document management system prevents duplicate records from forming in the first place and makes it easy to check for any exceptions that slip through the cracks. Duplicate records should be resolved on a daily basis.

Waived Documents

Some systems allow lenders and other frontline staff to waive certain types of customer documents. Staff appreciate this autonomy, but it can be easily abused without the right controls. Failing to collect the proper documents can expose your bank to unnecessary risk and create problematic audits and exams. Administrators should have a way to monitor recently waived documents. Depending on the size of your bank and capture workflow, waived document activity should be checked daily or, at a minimum, weekly.

Documents Still Pending QC

Some banks perform QC (quality control) on every document that is scanned into their imaging system. Others define “critical” documents and only QC those. Regardless of the approach, banks cannot afford to fall behind when it comes to quality control. System administrators should check regularly for any documents that are still pending QC. At a minimum, this should be done weekly but preferably daily.

Recently Uploaded Files

Not every employee may be authorized to scan directly into a customer record. Such employees might instead scan to a central folder that is monitored, QC’d, and managed by back-office staff. This approach makes sense from a quality control and efficiency standpoint, but, without the proper management controls, it can create bottlenecks in your document management workflow. Unless someone is monitoring the uploads folder, documents could theoretically sit idle for an indefinite amount of time. Even if you have staff who check for uploads on a daily basis, it’s still a good idea for the administrator to perform a weekly check, too.

User Permission Changes

Your document management system houses some of your bank’s most confidential customer information. Maintaining tight control over who has access to what is a vital component for any document imaging program. Routinely checking for recent changes to system permissions is an important step for balancing user accessibility and data protection protocols.

Documents Outside of the Retention Requirements

Just because you’re imaging doesn’t mean that you’re free from document retention requirements. At a minimum, monthly reports should be run to identify documents that fall outside of the retention period. Some document management systems make electronic purge easier than others. As with all matters related to document retention, be sure to review this process with in-house legal counsel and compliance team.

Simplify Your Bank Document Management Administration

If your current document management system makes it difficult to monitor for potential issues, perhaps it’s time to learn more about AccuAccount. AccuAccount was built specifically for bank document management system administrators like you, and our dynamic reporting module makes it easy to stay ahead of technical and customer information issues. Join our next AccuAccount Live to see if our platform is right for your bank.

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